Minecraft Creator Asset Bundle - Free bundle with over 40 items!
Vanillaburp Studio has put together a sweet treat to sweeten your Minecraft projects!


Unique Christmas 2020

From the Kpop LookBook Collection

From the K-Pop Collection

Pixel Art Game Textures

Add Christmas Cakes to your game!

Add a few more extras...


Build your own dungeon

From The MAPJAM 2020

And a few more extras...

Concept Art

Challenge yourself and bring these concept art to life


Use these custom music for your maps...


Some particles to spice up your map...

Import files at https://jannisx11.github.io/snowstorm/ to preview them!


Decorate your screen

Enjoy the little treats and happy holidays to everyone!
If you ever play around with the assets, tweet us at @vanillaburp
With love,
the team behind VanillaBurp Studio

idk.. im so bad at these it's fine