The Travelling Cabinet of Curiosities | One Shot Adventure

The Travelling Cabinet of Curiosities is compatible with D&D 5th Edition and the first release of our Curse of the Mist anthology — our collection of gothic horror stories. For this reason, it is easily integrated into the realm of Ravenloft and can be used as a supplement for Curse of Strahd campaign.


The party encounter a large colorful tent on wheels with a big wooden sign of carved letters spelling Travelling Cabinet of Curiosities. A tall slender hooded showman offers a tour of his collection and the legendary secrets behind them. As the party accept the offer and enter the curtains, they see a large space filled with eerie items ranging from monstrous body parts to magical artifacts all being displayed on wooden shelves or pedestals. In their tour, an odd-looking large rat escapes and bites one of the players, infecting them with a rare wererat curse as it flees. Tomorrow’s sunset the full-moon rises and the infected character will permanently turn into a monstrous rat. Fortunately, the Collector has the ability to lift the curse but the
escaped beast is needed, will the party successfully return before they run out of time?

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